ALTAR SERVER'S PRAYER Loving Father, Creator of the universe, you call your people to worship, to be with you and each other at Mass. Help me, for you have called me also. Keep me prayerful and alert. Help me to help others in prayer. Thank you for the trust you’ve placed in me. Keep me true to that trust. I make my prayer in Jesus' name, who is with us in the Holy Spirit. Amen. DEFINITION OF ALTAR SERVER It is a great privilege to serve at the Altar of our God and therefore Altar Servers are chosen from those who display a desire for a more intimate union with our Lord and God, Jesus Christ. Our loving Savior becomes present on the Altar, just as He was at the Last Supper and Calvary. Accordingly, Altar Servers have a solemn responsibility to do their assigned duties with dignity and reverence. Our parish has Altar Servers (boys and girls), who start after their first communion and continue for as long as we can keep them. All people of good faith are welcome and those who think they may desire to serve are encourages doing so. All that is requires is a desire to serve at the Altar of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
SHOES – dress shoes (preferably black or brown shoes for boys and brown, black or white for girls) should be worn. No flip-flops should be worn.
HAIR – Hair should be neat and trimmed, appropriate for boys and girls. Girls should have their hair tied back so that it is not in their face.
JEWELRY – Do not wear anything that will make noise and/or will be distracting, or that will cause you to have problems serving. Girls may wear “appropriate” earrings to serve.
ROOKIE - Alb and Cincture
Those that are still learning the basic knowledge of the duties and responsibilities of an Altar Server
ALTAR SERVER – Alb, Cincture and Crucifix
Demonstrates basic knowledge of the duties and responsibilities of an Altar Server
3. ACOLYTE– Cassock, Surplice, and Crucifix
Minimum of 7th Grade or older
Demonstrates knowledge of the duties and responsibilities of an Altar Server
Has been approved by our Priest(s), Deacon(s), or Altar Server coordinator
Shows ability to help train those assigned to him or her
Normally Altar Servers should be vested.In the Archdiocese of Washington, Altar Servers may wear “other appropriate and dignified clothing” which includes school uniforms and other lay attire that is suitable for service within the sanctuary.
Girls can choose to wear a skirt but otherwise they too should be dressed in slacks.
Attend Altar Sever Training Classes
Altar Servers should not leave the sanctuary after the start of Mass for any reason except bathroom emergencies, illness, or when directed to do so by the Priest.
Serve at every Mass that you scheduled for, or make arrangements to have someone cover the Mass
Arrive at least 15 minutes before the Mass starts to get dressed and make sure that the Altar is prepared
Make sure the candles are lit, bread, wine, water, towels, finger bowl, Roman Missal (prayer book), and any other sacramentals are in their proper place
Perform the duties assigned during the Mass in the prescribed orderly manner
Maintain a prayerful posture during all times in the Sacristy (if you are not doing something your hands should be folded in your lap)
After the Mass, return to the Sanctuary, Sacristy, and preparation areas to ensure that everything is set up for the next Mass
Be quiet and respectful when on the Altar, you are role models
Pray with and for the congregation all prayers
Be attentive and respond immediately when the Priest or Deacon asks for help
Make sure that your alb and cincture are returned the way you found them.
Arrive and be dressed 15 minutes before the Mass begins
Make sure the alb or cassock is the RIGHT SIZE. The bottom should be right above the tops of the shoes and the sleeves should stop at your wrists.
Check the calendar to make sure the cincture is the right color
Check to make sure that everything is set up, on the Altar, for the Mass (If there is a visiting Priest, talk to him ahead of time to see if you need to do anything differently for him)
Gather in the Community Room with the Priest, Deacon, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, and anyone else who will be in the entrance procession.
Make sure you talk to the other Altar Servers to determine who will carry the candles and be the Crucifix-bearer
Remember, candles are only used if there are at least 3 Altar Servers
Light your candles and leave them on the table until after the prayer is done
After prayer, the Altar Servers will line up in the following order:
ALTAR SERVER #1-Crucifix-Bearer, who will line up in front of the Baptismal Font
If there is only one server, the person will carry in the Crucifix
ALTAR SERVERS #2 and #3 (Candle bearers)
If there are only two servers, then no candles will be used and the server will line up behind the Crucifix-bearer
If there are three or more servers then two servers, they will be candle bearers, and will line up next to each other behind the Crucifix bearer
ALTAR SERVER #4 – Follows behind the candle bearers
Once the choir has begun to sing, the Altar Servers will begin to process in:
The Crucifix-Bearer will walk to the right of the Baptismal Font, along with the candle bearer on the right
The candle bearer on the left will walk on the left side of the Baptismal Font
WALK AT A NORMAL SPEED, Do not run down the aisle
The Crucifix bearer will proceed to his/her position on the right side in front of the pews and remain there until the Priest (and Deacon) kiss the Altar. (Remember to bow your head when the Priest (and Deacon) genuflect(s) in front of the Altar.) Then he/she should go up the steps to the right of the Altar, and put the Crucifix in the stand (in the room behind the Altar).
The candle bearers (or the second Altar Server) will proceed to their(his/her) position on the left side in front of the pews and remain there until the Priest (and Deacon) kiss the Altar. (Remember to bow your head when the Priest (and Deacon) genuflect(s) in front of the Altar.) Then they (he/she) should go up the steps to the left of the Altar and put the candles on the counter in the room behind the Altar. (The candles stay lit the whole Mass)
The Altar Servers go to their chairs on the left or right, and stay standing
[IF THERE IS NO LECTERN HOLDING THE ROMAN MISSAL] The server who carried the Crucifix in will usually be responsible for the Roman Missal (Sacramentary) unless there is a forth Altar Server.
The servers that brought the candles in will usually sit in the chairs left of the Altar.
The Priest begins the Mass with the Sign of the Cross
The Priest begins with an introduction explaining the readings, or welcoming people to the Mass
Penitential Rite-the Priest asks us to recall our sins and ask God for forgiveness, we then respond with the “Lord Have Mercy, Christ Have Mercy, Lord Have Mercy”
The Gloria will then be recited or sung – You are to participate in the praying of the Gloria.
[IF THERE IS NO LECTERN HOLDING THE ROMAN MISSAL] After the Gloria, the Priest will say, “Let us pray…” which is the cue for the server with the Roman Missal (Sacramentary) to bring the missal over for the Priest to read the Collect (opening prayer). Stand on the left side of the Priest (in between the Priest’s chair and the Deacon’s chair, so that the Priest can look out at the whole congregation)
[IF THERE IS NO LECTERN HOLDING THE ROMAN MISSAL] After the Priest is done with the prayer, the server will close the missal and return it to its proper place. Everyone will be seated to listen to the first reading, the psalm, and the second reading.
First Reading-The Lector will come forward to read the First Reading (No action is required by the Altar Servers)
The psalm will be recited or sung (No action is required by the Altar Servers)
Second Reading-The Lector will come forward to read the Second Reading (No action is required by the Altar Servers)
Gospel Acclamation (Alleluia)-When the choir begins to sing, the two Altar Servers that brought in the candles will go and get their candles, and stand on either side of the Altar, facing each other (one hand holding the base, and the other hand holding the stem of the candleholder)
The Priest/Deacon will read the Gospel and then end with “The Gospel of the Lord,” and everyone responds with “Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ.” Once everyone has responded, and begin sitting down, the candles may be put back. After the candles are put back on the counter, the servers may go back to their seats and sit.
The Priest/Deacon will then perform his Homily. PLEASE maintain a prayerful posture during all times in the Sacristy (Your hands should be folded in your lap)
After the Homily, the Priest/Deacon will go back to their seat, and then the Priest will stand for the Profession of Faith.
Everyone stands to recite the Nicene Creed.
The Priest will start the Prayers of the Faithful, and then lector or Deacon will read the petitions of the church (Everyone responds “Lord, hear our prayer”). After the lector or Deacon has finished the petitions, the Priest will say a prayer. All will respond with “Amen,” and the congregation will sit down for the announcements.
During the announcements, the Crucifix bearer will check to make sure the Roman Missal (Sacramentary) is on the Altar; then he/she with the Crucifix respectfully heldin the vertical position, proceed to the back of the church to lead the procession of the gifts.
-After everyone has been seated, the ushers will walk forward with the baskets to collect donations
When the Priest or Deacon approaches the Altar, ONE of the Altar Servers will bring forward the Chalice, with the Paten and Corporal and either gives it to the Priest or Deacon or places them on the Altar. The Altar Servers will then sit down and wait for the Priest to accept the gifts.
The Priest (and Deacon) will then get up and go to the bottom of the steps to receive the gifts.
When the Priest moves to accept the gifts, think symmetry, and position yourself so that (if possible) there is at least one Altar Server on either side of the Priest. If there is a Deacon, then on either side of the Priest and Deacon.
The Crucifix Bearer will then be instructed (the Priest will normally gesture for the Crucifix bearer to come forward) to lead the gifts. The Crucifix bearer will walk slowly forward, bow their head when they get in front of the Priest and then proceed up the steps and put the Crucifix back. If there are four Altar Servers the Crucifix bearer will take his/her chair on the right side of the Altar. If there are three Altar Servers or less, the Crucifix bearer will then go to the other side of the Altar, by going through the back room, to help prepare the Altar. If there is only one Altar Server, the Crucifix bearer will remain on the left side of the Altar to assist the Priest/Deacon, to ring the bells and to help clear the Altar after communion.
The Altar Servers standing on either side of the Priest will take the gifts after the Priest accepts them.
The server on the left of the Priest will take the basket of money and place it where directed. He/she will then go over to the Credence Table to help prepare the Altar
[Suspended because of COVID-19] The Altar Server on the right of the Priest will take the wine decanter and place it on the Altar. Then they will go over to the Credence Table, with the other servers to help prepare the Altar.
[Suspended because of COVID-19] One of the servers will bring THE FOUR COMMUNION CUPS TO THE ALTAR ON THE SIDE WHERE THE PLASTIC COVER IS LOCATED. Also bring over the four little cloths (purificators) to the Altar.
One of the other Altar Servers should bring the cruet of Holy Water to the Altar. Take the top off and leave it on the table. (DO NOT SET IT ON THE ALTAR) Wait for the Priest or Deacon to take the water, mix it with the wine, and then it will be handed back to the server along with the cruet that held the wine. When the cruets are returned to the server, he/she will bow to the Priest or Deacon and put them back on the Credence Table.
The Washing of the Priest’s Hands: The Altar Server(s) will pour a small amount of water onto the Priest’s hands.
If one Altar Server Only:
Towel draped over left arm, finger bowl and pitcher in each had
It two or more Altar Server
One server will hold the pitcher and finger bowl
The other Altar Server will hold the towel in praying hands
The servers will then return their seats and remain standing, because the Priest will then invite the congregation to stand as well to enter into the Eucharistic prayer
The Priest then begins with the preface and then will enter the congregation into the HOLY, HOLY, HOLY, which will be sung or recited
The congregation, along with the Altar Servers, will kneel and the Priest will continue with the Eucharist prayer by recalling the Last Supper
The Priest will first pick up the host, to be consecrated, by saying “…take this, all of you and eat it; this is my body which will be given up for you.” The Priest will raise the Body of Christ above his head, and the Altar Server will ring the bells with three twists of the wrist. (Three for the Trinity, so make sure it is only three times.)
The Priest will kneel and then pick up the chalice and say, “…take this and drink from it, this is the cup of my blood, the blood of the new and everlasting covenant. It will be shed for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven, do this in memory of me.” The Priest will raise the chalice above his head, and the Altar Server will ring the bells with three twists of the wrist. Once complete the bells will be placed back on the pillow, and moved back to the side of the chair (DO NOT put them under the chair, because they might be kicked and cause a disruption)
The Priest will then proclaim the mystery of faith, which will be sung or recited
The Priest will then finish up the prayer by remembering the saints, all those who have departed before us, and chant or recite, “Through Him, with Him, and in Him….”
The Great Amen will be sung or recited
All members will rise to recite the Our Father
The Altar Servers will remain in there station at this time because of COVID-19
[Suspended because of COVID-19] The Altar Servers will rise and proceed to the Altar, to hold hands with the Priest.
[Suspended because of COVID-19] After the prayer, the servers will step off to the side, so they can share the Sign of Peace, when the Priest will get to that part of the Mass
After that the Priest will then ask the congregation to share with each other a Sign of Peace
All Altar Servers need to go to the left of the Altar and line up facing the Altar to receive communion
1. The Lamb of God will either be sung by the choir or recited by the Priest, and the congregation will join in
The congregation will kneel, while the servers and Eucharistic ministers will be lined up to receive communion.
The Priest will distribute the Body [and Blood of Christ Suspended because of COVID-19]
Once the Altar Server has received communion, they will go back to their pillow to kneel
Once the Priest is done distributing communion, he will return to the Altar to purify and clear the Altar
Once the Priest approaches the altar, an Altar Server gets the water cruet and then the Altar Server pours the water into the Chalice held by the Priest.
When the Priest is done, the server will bow his head and take the cruet back and place the top on it.
All Altar Servers stand in prayerful reverence to God as the Ciborium(Ciboria) are placed in the Tabernacle.
The servers will line up to receive items. When a server takes something back to the table, the next server will slide over, and this will continue until the Altar has been cleared.
If there are four Altar Servers the Crucifix bearer will remain on the right side of the Altar. Otherwise this Altar Sever will get up and go to the left side of the Altar (the side with the Credence Table) through the back room.
The Priest will then begin to hand things for the servers to place on the Credence Table. When the Priest gives you something, bow your head and place it on the table. Then return to the Altar to receive the next item
[Suspended because of COVID-19] The Crucifix bearer will take the Roman Missal (Sacramentary), and then go to the other side of the Altar, by going through the back room.
Once everything has been taken care of and the Tabernacle door is closed, the Altar Servers may go back to their seats.
The Priest will then stand, and then present additional announcements (if any)
Then the Priest will ask everyone to stand and pray
[IF THERE IS NO LECTERN HOLDING THE ROMAN MISSAL] The Priest will say, “Let us pray…” which is the cue for the server with the Roman Missal (Sacramentary) to bring the book over for the Priest to read the “Prayer after Communion”. Stand on the left side of the Priest (in between the Priest’s chair and the Deacon’s chair)
The Priest will then conclude the Mass with the Sign of the Cross
The choir will then start the final song a. When the final song begins the Crucifix bearer will go get the Crucifix and leave the Altar b. The candle bearers will get the candles and stand next to each other in front of the Crucifix bearer
The Priest will then go and kiss the Altar and come to the bottom of the steps
The Priest will then bow and turn (the servers will bow at the same time as the Priest and turn around and process out)
The servers will walk out of the church and gather at the dedication plaque in the community room, the Priest will say a blessing, and the servers will respond “And also with you.”
The servers can then put back the Crucifix and candles (blow them out), and then hang back up their vestments
Altar Cloth – A cloth to cover the Altar for decoration and protection
Ambo – A pulpit from which the readings from the Lectionary are proclaimed
Aspergillum – Liturgical instrument for sprinkling holy water (holy water bucket)
Bells – Metal instrument producing a ringing sound
Boat(Incense Boat) – Holds the incense
Chalice – The sacred vessel that holds the Precious Blood of Christ at Mass
Ciboria – The plural of Ciborium
Ciborium – A sacred vessel with a cover used for the Blessed Sacrament
Corporal – A linen cloth place atop the Altar cloth but beneath the Chalice and Paten
Credence Table – A small table to hold the Cruets(water and wine), Chalice, Paten, Corporal, Decanter(if used),Finger bowl, Lavabo Towel
Cruets – Vessels used to hold water and wine for the celebration of the Mass
Decanter – A vessel used to hold wine for the celebration of the Mass
Finger Bowl(Lavabo Bowl) - A bowl used to catch the water poured over the Priest’s hands
Lectionary – A book with Scriptural readings from the Bible
Paschal Candle – A tall wax candle blessed at the Easter Vigil
Paten – A dish-like sacred vessel used to hold altar bread for Consecration
Processional Crucifix – A cross bearing an image of the Crucified Christ on a staff
Pyx – A sacred vessel in which the Blessed Sacrament is placed
Purificator – A white cloth used to wipe the chalice and communion cup(s)
Roman Missal (Sacramentary)(Prayer Book)– The Missal that holds all the prayers said by the Priest
Sacristy – A room in a church where a Priest prepares for a service
Sanctuary Lamp – The red, candle lit, globe in the sanctuary, which signals Christ present in the Tabernacle
Tabernacle – A receptacle for the exclusive reservation of the Blessed Sacrament
Thurible – A metal censer suspended from chains in which incense is burned
Towel (Lavabo Towel) – The towel used to dry the hands of the Priest after the washing
Vestments – Liturgical garments
Please make sure that you sign in, this is the only way we can keep track of attendance.
When you are standing or sitting, and not doing anything, keep your hands folded. Do not play with your cincture or do anything else
PAY ATTENTION, especially to the Priest, you never know when they may call you over.
If you need to use the restroom, or get a tissue use the facility in the sacristy. Close the door to the bathroom, so that the congregation cannot hear you flush the toilet and make sure you wash your hands.
If you are assigned to serve, please follow the Dress Code