OCIA Invites All Parishioners to Walk the Journey in Faith with our OCIA Inquirers
1) First and foremost, please pray for:
2) Be a sponsor. We are always in need of parishioners willing to share their faith story with our inquirers. No experience or special knowledge needed; just a willingness to come, share, and love.
3) Greet our inquirers at Mass if you see them there. Welcome them, encourage them, and let them know you are praying for them.
4) Come to the special Rites during the OCIA Year. The OCIA schedule is posted on the bulletin board. The special Rites are highlighted on the schedule.
5) Come and visit an OCIA session. We meet each Thursday at 7PM in the Church basement.
6) Invite someone you know to attend OCIA. It is likely each of us knows someone who might want to become Catholic, or just be interested in learning more about the Catholic faith, or a baptized Catholic who wants to complete their Sacraments.
For information, contact Jeremy Woollen (410) 246-4370 or the Parish Office