Are you at risk of developing diabetes? Are you a pre-diabetic patient? Find out by taking the quiz here:
1. After Mass BP screening and health information table suspended until further notice. Go to health & wellness ministry front page link to view video “taking BP at home”
2. STAY FIT BASKET RAFFLE: Postponed till SJV campus activities fully resume.
3. SAMARITAN PROGRAM - rides suspended indefinitely. Cost assisted rides throughout southern md available through the senior pines office on aging. Call Chessa Reid on M & T 8:30am-4:30pm on W 8:30am-11:30am 410-535-4606 x139 to apply & schedule.
4. YOGA STYLE STRECTH & EXERCISE: NO FEE. Instructors Dave & Lisa Morgan. IN PERSON in the Vianney Room on T & Th 6:30-7:30 pm
5. WALKING GROUPS: For the SJV hiking group days, times, places & activities connact Gayle at:, or Ruth at:
6. PICKLEBALL: At the Family Life Center. Tuesdays 10 am - Noon.
7. PILATES: Exercise IN PERSON with Lisa Morgan. Columbus Room Wed 9-10:30am. Contact Lisa at
8. PATIENT INFORMATION ARTICLES: to request these articles on Covid & other health topics call Mary Ann Zaversnik at 410-414-9465 or email
9. REQUEST PROGRAM INFORMATION: The Calvert County Health Department offers many programs to promote and improve health and wellness for residents. If you would like more information about their programs, please complete a program inquiry form by following this link:
10.DIABETES PREVENTION PROGRAM: Virtual Presentation by the Calvert County Health Department. For more information call Jenn Faulkner at 410.535.5400 ext. 357.
11. LIVING WELL WITH DIABETES - 6 week workshop at the health department. Call Erika Demmy at CCHD 410-535-5400x355 for sign up.
12.DIETICIAN SERVICES -Telehealth appointments for weight loss, diabetes, hyperension & nutrition are referred to dietician/nutritionist Karen Mohn at Calvert Health Med Center 410-414-4572.
13.PHONE CANCER SCREENING & REFERAL- Call Colleen Hyland 410-535-5400 x343 to register for no cost colon, breast, cervical, & lung cancer screening. 14.FREE VIRTUAL QUIT TOBACCO CLASSES – One hour a week for eight weeks on Google Meet. To register, call Jane Dodds 410-535-5400 ext 359 or visit
15.NARCAN (NALOXONE TRAINING): The Prevention Services Department of Calvert County Behavioral Health is offering free on-line Narcan (Naloxone) Training by contacting Kristyn Lambert at or calling 410-535-3079 x 26. Save A Life. Carry Naloxone. Kit distribution will be by pick-up or delivery
16.MOBILE HEALTH UNIT: No cost med screenings includes blood pressure & cholesterol checks at SJV food pantry 3-6 pm every second Wednesday of each month.
17.DIABETES Wellness Workshop: FREE. Led by a Dietician 2nd Thursday of the month - virtual attendance 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. Calvert Health Medical Center. To register visit . Call 410-535-8233 for more information.
18.VIRTUAL Wellness Workshops: Support groups for Stroke and Parkinson’s Disease. Registration is required. Visit Events, scroll down to “support group”. For questions call 410-535-8233.
19. Breast Cancer & General Support Groups: Registration is required. To sign up visit this link and scroll down.
For more information, please phone the number listed on the website.
20. FREE Virtual Gestational Diabetes Class: Nurse led 90 minute evening class available once a month, through the end of 2022. For those pregnant or consdering pregnancy. Especially if you have any of these risk factors: age less than 25, overweight, diabetic family member, limited opportunity for physical activity, gestational diabetes in prior pregnancy, large baby in present or past pregnancy.
Please visit the link above to enroll:
Scroll down
For more information please call nurse Diane Bennett at 410-414-4780.