“The social teaching of the Church does not have all the answers, but it does have some principles that along this journey can help to concretize the answers, principles useful to Christians and non-Christians alike...
The principles compiled in the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, a manual of the Catholic Church’s social teaching, are “tested, human, Christian.” - Pope Francis
St. John Vianney is a tithing parish. This means that not only do parishioners give of their substance to the church, but the parish as a whole gives of its substance to the poor. Each year, 10% of the regular offertory collections are given to the poor of our community and the world.St. John Vianney is a tithing parish. This means that not only do parishioners give of their substance to the church, but the parish as a whole gives of its substance to the poor. Each year, 10% of the regular offertory collections are given to the poor of our community and the world.
The gift of treasure is only the beginning. We also give of our time through volunteering at various charitable organizations. Listed below is a summary of the organizational activities to which the parish has contributed.
Started in 1995, this office provides assistance to pregnant women of all ages and creeds in a supporting and non-
Meals are prepared by parishioners, usually in the parish kitchen, and delivered at least once each month to the Project ECHO homeless shelter in Prince Frederick.
This is an ecumenically operated shelter for the homeless. It provides temporary shelter to men, women and children in a home located two buildings down Main Street from the church. It receives support from the county and from area churches. Volunteers are needed to stay entire nights to supervise. Homeless people can stay for up to three months.
In past years, the Youth Group has traveled to the Catholic Heart Work Camp in in various locations.
St. John Vianney's Racial l Justice Ministry now has it's own website.
Please visit: https://racialjusticesomd.org